How does it feel to become a published author?

A light share for a change on one of the rare light-hearted, fun moments of 2020.

The Invincible Company book was released just over six months ago in the midst of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of February, just a few weeks before the release, Alex Osterwalder, Alan Smith and myself were all in London at the same time for the first Building Invincible Companies masterclass. It turned out to be the last in-person masterclass of 2020 and the only time we would be in the same room in 2020. We didn’t know at the time what that crazy year had in store for the world.

At the end of each training day we had planned to record a few videos to support the upcoming book launch.


All went well until Alex went off-script at the end of a long day and asked me a question that almost made me choke:

How does it feel to become a published author?


Here’s what I finally managed to answer…


Want to know more? Order our book today:

Frederic Etiemble

Executive Advisor on Strategy & Innovation. Co-author of The Invincible Company.


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